Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that occurs when the cartilage that cushions the joints wears down over time. This can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling in the affected joints, and may limit mobility and range of motion. Osteoarthritis is most commonly seen in the hands, knees, hips, and spine, and is more common in older adults.

Risk factors for osteoarthritis include age, genetics, obesity, previous joint injuries, and repetitive stress on the joints. Treatment for osteoarthritis typically involves a combination of lifestyle changes, such as weight loss and exercise, and medication to manage pain and inflammation. In severe cases, joint replacement surgery may be necessary.

Overall, osteoarthritis is a common and often debilitating condition that can significantly impact quality of life. However, with proper management and treatment, many people with osteoarthritis are able to maintain their mobility and continue to lead active, fulfilling lives

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