1. 学业倦怠是指学生在学习过程中出现的消极情绪、态度和行为,包括缺乏动力、兴趣和信心,对学习内容和任务感到无趣和无意义,难以集中注意力和保持学习行为的持续性。

  2. 学业倦怠可以用心理学、教育学、社会学等学科的相关理论进行研究。比如心理学中的动机理论、自我效能理论、情感调节理论等;教育学中的教育评估理论、学习策略理论、教育心理学等;社会学中的社会支持理论、社会认同理论、社会比较理论等。

  3. 以下是一篇关于公正世界信念影响学业倦怠的英文文献:

Zhang, J., & McGrath, R. E. (2017). The role of belief in a just world in academic motivation and achievement: A meta-analytic review. Learning and Individual Differences, 54, 32-44.

This meta-analytic review examined the relationship between belief in a just world and academic motivation and achievement. The results showed that belief in a just world was positively related to academic motivation and achievement, and this relationship was moderated by gender, age, and culture. Specifically, belief in a just world was more strongly related to academic motivation and achievement for females, younger students, and Western cultures. The authors suggested that belief in a just world may provide a sense of control and hope in academic settings, which can motivate students to persist in their academic pursuits

标签: 教育

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