Spam senders frequently change from one email address and one domain to another to avoid getting caught by spam filters and to maintain their ability to send out unsolicited emails. Spam filters use various techniques to identify and block spam messages, including checking the sender's email address and domain. By changing their email address and domain frequently, spammers can avoid detection and continue sending out their messages.

Changing the address does not prevent their victims from responding to their messages because the spammer's goal is not to receive responses from their victims. Instead, they are trying to trick recipients into clicking on links or downloading attachments that may contain malware or lead to phishing scams. The spammer's email address is often fake or spoofed, so responding to the message would not reach the actual sender. Additionally, most email clients and servers have features that allow users to block specific email addresses or domains, so changing the address may not necessarily prevent victims from blocking future messages

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