mport numpy as npimport pandas as pddf = pdread_excel2023_2_23No1_dataxlsxsheet_name=Sheet index_col=0index = 123711172331436189127179251349my_df = dfdf_name = dffor i in rangelenindex the_df = df_
  1. Importing necessary libraries: We are importing numpy and pandas libraries to work with arrays and dataframes respectively.

  2. Reading the data from an excel file: We are using the pandas function 'read_excel' to read the data from an excel file named "2023_2_23No1_data.xlsx" and storing it in a dataframe named 'df'. We are also specifying the sheet name as "Sheet" and setting the first column as the index.

  3. Creating a list of indices: We are creating a list named 'index' that contains certain indices.

  4. Initializing variables: We are initializing two variables named 'my_df' and 'df_name' with values 'df'. 'my_df' will be used to store the filtered dataframes, and 'df_name' will be used to store the original dataframe.

  5. Looping through the list of indices: We are using a for loop to iterate through the list of indices. For each index, we are creating a new dataframe named 'the_df' and filtering the original dataframe 'df' based on certain conditions. The filtered data is then appended to the 'my_df' list.

  6. Calculating the mean conductivity: We are using another for loop to iterate through the 'my_df' list. For each dataframe in the list, we are calculating the mean conductivity by dividing the sum of conductivity values by the number of rows in the dataframe. The result is then printed out for each iteration.

In summary, the code reads data from an excel file and filters it based on certain conditions. It then calculates the mean conductivity for the filtered data and prints it out.

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