This sentence utilizes a complex sentence structure, consisting of a main clause and a subordinate clause introduced by the conjunction 'as.' The main clause, 'The corrosion of metallic components became a major concern,' uses the verb phrase 'became a major concern' as its predicate. The subordinate clause, 'as it dominates among the cost bearing problems during the service life of the components,' acts as a modifier to the main clause, explaining the reason for the concern.

Several fixed phrases are employed within the sentence:

  1. 'the corrosion of metallic components' refers to the degradation of metal parts.2. 'a major concern' highlights the significance of the issue.3. 'dominates among the cost bearing problems' emphasizes its leading role in financial burdens.4. 'during the service life of the components' specifies the timeframe of concern.5. 'making its prevention and control a commercial necessity' underscores the economic imperative of addressing corrosion.

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