Yes, there is a distinction between affordable housing and commercial housing in the United States, and the prices of the two are typically different. Affordable housing refers to housing units that are designed to be affordable for low- or moderate-income households, while commercial housing refers to market-rate housing units that are typically priced higher.

Affordable housing may be subsidized by the government or provided by nonprofit organizations, and the rent or mortgage payments are often based on a percentage of the tenant's income. In contrast, commercial housing is priced based on market demand and supply, and the rent or mortgage payments are typically higher.

The distinction between affordable housing and commercial housing is important because it affects the accessibility of housing for different income groups. Affordable housing provides a critical resource for low- and moderate-income households who may struggle to afford market-rate housing, while commercial housing provides options for those who can afford to pay higher prices.

Overall, the prices of affordable housing and commercial housing are different, and this distinction reflects the different purposes of each type of housing and the different income levels they are designed to serve.

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